INGECID participated in the Innovation Plan for Road Infrastructures, which was organised by the Biscay Government’s Department of Regional Infrastructure and Development.
During the event, the company had the opportunity to share its innovative experiences in the application of the BIM methodology, and, more specifically, in the benefits that BIM offered in the development of Bilbao’s Southern Metropolitan Bypass (VSM, for the Spanish acronym).
BIM, a collaborative and empowering methodology
During his presentation, Jesús de Paz Sierra, Director of INGECID’s Design Engineering Department and BIM, explained how using said methodology allowed for increased efficiency among the teams and sped up the workflow, such as in decision making throughout the process, due to the activity of three main pillars:
- People.
- Processes.
- Technology.
To achieve this, it was instrumental to employ the Vircore CDE (Common Data Environment), an integrated project management platform, which was developed by INGECID itself.
In the case of Bilbao’s Bypass, the various participants involved in the project were able to quickly and easily access the 40,000 documents and 200 Gb of information available in this collaborative environment.
Just as the representatives of INGECID explained, sections 9A and 9B of Phase I were carried out in a constant and fluid manner, with all the team members involved utilising this program. The preparation of three-dimensional BIM models and 4D temporal plans were crucial to carrying out these works.
The advantages of Vircore in the project’s development
The Vircore platform has been fundamental for keeping all the information and management in one single interface, since it allows for collaborative document management integrated into the BIM model.
All of this includes absolute traceability, which is key in projects of a certain scale where several different actors are involves, as was the case with this Southern Bypass.
In fact, the tracking of the different versions and advancements without losing the previous information, or the ease of defining profiles with different access permissions to the documentation are only some of the characteristics that Vircore has lent the project.
About the event

Bilbao Metropoli-30 collaborated in the organisation and promotion of the event, which was composed of two different sessions:
In the first one, there was participation from Aclima, the Basque Environment Cluster; Eraikune, the Basque Construction Cluster; and MLC ITS Euskadi, the Mobility and Logistics Cluster, which were the promoters for the plan’s working groups.INGECID had its turn in the second one, in which it explained the development of specific projects. The companies deDiego and Ingeniería FULCRUM also participated in this space.